What Camp Lightbulb Means to Julia

Camp Lightbulb is more than just an organization. It represents love, acceptance, community, hope for a better future, and more. I found Camp Lightbulb at a time in my life when I wasn’t out yet. I knew that I didn’t fall into the typical standards of our society. It was kind of scary living in the south with what felt like little representation and a lot of ignorant people within my school and community. As a result,  I looked for anything that resembled a welcoming community, and I’m so lucky to have found them. Watching the live streams and attending a clubhouse meeting have been extraordinary experiences. I’ve made new friends who support me and can relate to the struggles that queer youth face. 

Camp Lightbulb has helped show me that being different is okay, and I don’t need to hide. I started my journey with the organization as a closeted, questioning teen with many questions and was scared of what the world would think. I’m continuing my journey with Camp Lightbulb as an openly queer person. I use the pronouns that I want and dress the way I want to, and I express myself the way I always dreamed I could. 

This organization has helped shine a light down the road to acceptance for me. I’m so grateful that such a space exists for so many LGBTQIA+ individuals across the country. The counselors are all-around amazing human beings; they create an environment where everyone is welcome. I love spending time with the organization members because everyone is so kind and inspiring to me. Everyone has been super supportive of my writings, and I love that we are all able to lift each other up in a time when it seems like so many government officials are trying to tear us down. Camp Lightbulb isn’t just important to me but to all of our members because it creates a safe place for us, which is really valuable and means a lot to the community.

Camp Lightbulb is very important to me because it has helped me along my journey of self-acceptance and discovery by allowing me to express myself and be who I’ve always wanted to be. I’m so excited to see what the future holds for this organization because it creates a diverse and welcoming community for queer youth, which is so important in this country right now. I’m positive that the organization will continue making strides towards a more inclusive future for everyone, and that’s what I love about it.


Camp Lightbulb Pride


Meet Andrew, Our Camp Director!