On Community.

Photo taken by Zackary Drucker and Alyza Enriquez for the Vice Gender Spectrum Collection.

The Gender Spectrum Collection.

“They Say if you find an open door in Palm Springs you can come in and have a drink.”

If you were going to ask me what queer community is, I would say it's making a small town out of a big town– and when I say this, I am talking about a global village. I would also say it is a torch carried by each and every one of us. We all do a little bit of the work when we can or when we need it. 

Queer community is run out of apartments and written about in self-published pamphlets. It is found in the HRC and the ACLU and the Free Britney Forums.

Finding it is something that, by bar or blog, every generation has had to do via putting their ear to the ground. And you, dear visitor, have found it right here through a Google, ad click, or friend. Coming to Camp Lightbulb is an early step in finding out how you are connected to an awesome global network of queer people. 

We are so happy to have you here.


Camp Lightbulb Un-official Packing List


Inclusivity in Marathons