Find your happy place at Camp Lightbulb. We celebrate LGBTQ+ youth ages 15 to 18 with magical summer camp experiences filled with fun, pride, community, friends, support, self-discovery, and memories to last a lifetime.


Stonewall Inn

🌈The Stonewall riots became a symbol of resistance that would inspire LGBTQ+ solidarity for decades and led to the creation of @humanrightscampaign , @glaad , and @pflag

🌈Camp Lightbulb’s magical summer camps have been connecting LGBTQ+ campers to our queer history since 2011. Now it’s your time to join our Rainbow Squad.

🌈Registration is open for New York, with limited spots available for Provincetown. Registration closes on May 31. ☀️⚓️🏙️


We host summer camps in Los Angeles, Provincetown, and New York City, connecting and inspiring our campers with the most vibrant, diverse, and inclusive members of our communities and each other.


“Camp Lightbulb is exemplary. Wow. So thoughtful, so caring, so dang great. Camp was a blast, and she had the priceless experience of really belonging that she had been missing so much. There is nothing better.” - George (Parent)