Here’s what we know: substance abuse is no joke. Unfortunately, a Human Rights Campaign report finds that LGBTQ+ youth are at greater risk for abusing substances than their heterosexual peers because they often do not receive the necessary support for mental illness.

But if you know Camp Lightbulb, you know we want only the best for queer youth. We attended the Power in Prevention conference a couple of weeks ago, with a workshop by Jefferson County Communities that Care, and discovered that our camps already serve as both a preventative and interventional measure for queer youth difficulties.

LGBTQ+ youth must have a sense of fulfillment and hope in addition to equal access to support. All our camps—both online and in-person—provide exactly that. After all, we have created camps to support and celebrate LGBTQ+ youth for ten years. Our camps give LGBTQ+ youth an opportunity for meaningful activities, access, and connection, decreasing their stress and anxiety. Jeffco CTC found that places like Camp Lightbulb lead to a reduced risk of abusing substances.

We create programming that encourages growth in self-confidence, self-acceptance, and a sense of belonging. We offer financial support to families who have fewer resources, operating on a needs-blind basis for registration. We offer a space for campers to connect with peers who understand them. Finally, we foster a community rooted in support and celebration. 

We are proud to be among the many resources available to queer youth!

Written by Gina Kanegawa on May 18, 2021


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