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Do Yoga • Do Good

JOIN US for a socially distanced, outdoor yoga event to raise money for Camp Lightbulb's virtual camps for LGBTQ+ youth.

AREE KHODAI will lead an hour of yoga followed by tours of Artha: A Wellness Sanctuary.

JUST LIKE YOGA is about connecting with the body and fostering harmony in the mind, Camp Lightbulb helps queer youth let their guard down and connect to their peers and themselves.

TICKETS are $50 and any additional donations are fully tax-deductible.

WEAR clothes to do yoga!

BRING a yoga mat!

PARKING on the Artha roof!

EVENT capacity is 20!

MISSION: Camp Lightbulb celebrates LGBTQ+ youth, aged 14 to 18, with magical summer camp experiences filled with fun, pride, community, friends, support, self-discovery, and memories to last a lifetime.

June 28

Lightbulb at the end of the tunnel

July 3

Mimosas & Memories Made in Person